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Fall Welcome Message from the Principal

A Message from Principal Lounsbery

Greetings Fremont families! This is Principal Lounsbery at Fremont School.

Can you believe the 2021-2022 school year is almost here? For many of us, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other in person, so we are super excited to welcome our wonderful students and families back to our school campus.

We understand that the past year and a half have been challenging, so we want to make sure we are doing everything possible to support you and your children in the transition back to school. You'll hear much more from me as we get closer to the first day of school, but there are a few important key points that I’d like to share with you now.

For starters, the first day of school is August 31. We can’t wait to see you and your children, but if you have any questions about registration or Kinder Orientation, please feel free to call our main office at 562-439-6873.

When it comes to health and safety protocols, we are committed to making our schools as safe as possible.

  • Masks will be required for all students and staff while they are inside.

  • Physical distancing will be implemented where possible.

  • We’ve optimized ventilation and air filtration in all classrooms.

  • Surfaces will be sanitized and cleaned as much as possible.

  • And, we will conduct weekly surveillance COVID screening for all unvaccinated students and staff.

On Monday, please be on the lookout for an update from our Superintendent, Dr. Jill Baker - and continue to check our websites, text messages, email and social media for additional updates.

Third - As excited as we are to have our students back on campus, we also understand that in-person learning may not be suitable for every student. For this reason, LBUSD has offered the Beach K to 12 Independent Study program - which requires parents and guardians to be much more involved with instruction. This is not the same “distance learning” program that was provided last school year.

And lastly - All of our teachers have been empowered to use a set of district resources called Smart Restart. We want the start of this school year to feel fun and to establish a tone of care and community in every classroom. Be sure to ask your student about the Smart Restart activities that they engage in during the first few weeks of school.

Thank you for all of your support during this unprecedented time, and we look forward to seeing you soon.



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