Used Book Sale at the Community in Unity event Friday, June 9, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria
Two ways to help Fremont:
Have your kids finished their book fair selections already? Do you want to clear out some books your kids have outgrown? Have you finished your monthly book club reading? Put your gently-used books in the collection boxes in the office, and we can find them a new home at the sale.
Stop by the Used Book Sale at the Spring Social: Community in Unity picnic and pick up some reading material for the summer. Books for adults and books for kids will be available at low prices--$1 for paperbacks, $2 for hardcovers! (Special editions or book sets will be priced a bit higher.) Cash only. Questions? Contact Erin Caron at erin.caron@csulb.edu