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Volunteers Wanted: Teacher Support

We love our Fremont teachers and think they're doing an amazing job, covering more than ever before! So, we thought of some ways we could make their jobs a little easier. If you’re interested, please contact Evelyn Crofts to help. Technical Support Committee: When it comes to broken equipment or district-provided solutions, there's district IT. But what about when a teacher would like to try or learn something new, tech-wise? We know there are some tech-savvy parents out there who can help out with answering questions, offering advice, or configuring software. You might not even need to be a VIP if you work with the teacher outside of school hours. PE Specialists: Sometimes parents teach yoga to their child's class, and we know there are lots of you out there with great skills! If you'd like to lead a yoga class (or several) for Fremont students, teach a group game, or any other sport that you're passionate about and can provide the equipment for, please let us know. If you're not sure: please reach out! We'll brainstorm ways to make it work. You must be a VIP to teach a PE class.



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