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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Call to Fremont

Does your family have an upcoming celebration you would like to share with the Fremont Community? Perhaps a prized family recipe or tradition? We would love to feature it so that we can all learn more about our Fremont Family. Please email with an explanation of the celebration, the date/days it occurs, and what you would like to include (pictures, recipes, etc.). Please use the subject "DEI Call" for your email.

Here are cultural celebrations coming up this month:

3/13-4/15 Deaf History Month 3/16-3/17 Purim 3/17 St. Patrick’s Day 3/19 Holi 3/21 Nowruz/Noorooz (Persian New Year) 3/21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 3/31 Cesar Chavez Day & Transgender Visibility Day
CLICK HERE for children's books on other terrific March celebrations such as Holi, Developmental and Deaf History, Nowruz, and more.


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