Our hope is to keep you apprised of all of the events and happenings available to Fremont students and families so that schedules can be arranged accordingly. While things are always subject to change, we have a full calendar of the year’s events online HERE. Below you’ll find a list of upcoming key dates and events.
Tuesday, August 30, noon - New Student Orientation at Fremont
Wednesday, August 31 - First day of school (early release at 1 pm)
Monday, September 5 - Labor Day (no school)
Thursday, September 8, 5:30-7 pm - Back to School Night (no kids) at Fremont
Friday, September 9, 8 am - Coffee Convos at Fremont lunch tables, grab a coffee and get to know other parents
Tuesday, September 13, 6 pm - PTA Association meeting (Register HERE on Zoom)
Friday, September 16, 6 pm - Fall Social hosted by the IDEA Committee at Fremont