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Meeting information:

Tuesday, March 14, 6 pm, via Zoom

CLICK HERE to register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The membership will be voting on the PTA Board for the 2023-24 school year. Following the brief agenda of business, Elizabeth Gallo, school psychologist, will present Social-Emotional Wellness for Parents. Elizabeth has been an educator for over 20 years and she is currently a School Psychologist for the Family Resource Center in Long Beach Unified. Elizabeth's passion is supporting children and families with social-emotional wellness and nervous system health.

Proposed ballot:

President - Erin Brown

Vice President - Amy Morse

Treasurer - Evelyn Crofts

Recording Secretary - Sonya Quick

Financial Secretary - Martha Alvarado

Vice President, IDEA - Tiffany Davis

Vice President, Fundraising - Nick Lind

Vice President, Programs - Jessica Scott

Historian - Joy Quackenbush

Download the agenda here:


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