This is the last day to submit Jog-A-Thon envelopes and online donations by 3:30pm to be included in prize-level calculations. Please remind your friends and families that we need to receive their donations by December 3rd too!
The Jog-A-Thon Fund Drive is still going strong, having reached 80% of our $50,000 goal. We have currently raised just over $40,000 so let's keep that momentum going and BEAT THAT GOAL! Checks should be made payable to "Fremont PTA" and dropped in the PTA mailbox or mailed to Fremont Elementary PTA 4000 E. 4th St. Long Beach, CA 90814 We won’t be able to include any donations received after 3:30 p.m. in our prize level calculations so please don't miss out! Jog-A-Thon Awards Assembly: Thursday, December 12th