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Reminder: Special Election Meeting on Tuesday, April 12

Please plan on attending our April 12th Special Election General Meeting, via Zoom, to participate in electing the 2022/23 Fremont PTA Executive Board.

The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 via Zoom.

The Nominating Committee has submitted the slate of candidates (below) for the positions below. Other nominations can be made from the floor during the meeting.

President: Erin Brown

Executive VP: Amy Morse

Treasurer: OPEN

Recording Secretary: OPEN

Financial Secretary: OPEN VP Fundraising: OPEN

VP Programs: Erin Uhlenkamp

Historian: Joy Quackenbush

Other positions on the board are appointed. If you have an interest in one of those positions, please reach out to Sara Ehrlich at 562-822-0697 and she will connect you with the newly elected Board after April 12. Thank you for all of your interest in volunteering at Fremont!

We will also have a visit from five of the candidates running for City Council, District 3. Candidates will introduce themselves to us and will be available for questions.


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