Fremont STEAM Fair
February 3 - March 27
Starting February 3, STEAM Fair season has officially begun! Our Falcons, grades K-5, have the opportunity to design, implement and showcase their own Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts or Mathematics projects. Start by downloading an information packet on the district website here. You'll need to decide whether you want to experiment, invent, research, or innovate, and the district website gives grade-level advice for each of these.​
Students will have 7 weeks to work on their projects, which will be due on Wednesday, March 25th between 7:15-8am in the cafeteria. Projects will be on display on Friday, March 27th during Lunch With Loved Ones and afterschool. Please take your projects home with you that Friday and save them to display at our Fremont Family STEAM Night on Saturday, May 23rd from 4:00-7:00pm. Below is a recommended schedule to help spread out the work of your STEAM Fair Project so you're not feeling overwhelmed at the last minute:
Week 1: Feb 3-9
Decide on your PROBLEM or QUESTION - what do you want to find out?

Week 4: Feb 24 - Mar 1
Think about the results and what they tell you. Make your charts or graphs

Week 2: Feb 10-16
Collect, gather, and read materials about your topic

Week 5: Mar 2-8
Write your report

Week 3: Feb 17-23
Work the steps of your project

Week 6: Mar 9-16
Make your display

If your student is curious about the judging criteria, you can find it here to make sure you have all the elements in their final project, but remember the purpose of the STEAM fair is to stimulate your budding scientist's curiosity and to follow their passion.
Lots of additional information is available on the LBUSD website.
STEAM committee
Our STEAM committee works hard to plan the annual Fremont STEAM Fair in order to give our Falcons the chance to explore their STEAM passions in a hands-on way. While the STEAM Fair is based on LBUSD guidelines, it takes many dedicated volunteers to pull off this endeavor. If you are interested in joining the STEAM committee or volunteering to help with judging STEAM projects, please email for more information.
Our STEAM committee also needs parent volunteers to help judge, comment on, and display the submitted STEAM projects. Check back soon for a link to sign up for STEAM Fair needs.
Family STEAM Night: May 23, 4-7pm
All STEAM Fair projects will be on display at Family STEAM Night, a fun community festival at Fremont, which will include not only STEAM Fair exhibitions, but also fun STEAM activities provided by the CA Science Center, the Aquarium of the Pacific, BioNerds and MORE!