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Volunteers Needed ASAP to Make Jog-a-Thon a Success

SIGN UP LINK: Here is the link to sign up to work the Jog-a-Thon. We need a lot of volunteers for a couple of different things so please sign up.

BANNERS: We have extended the banner deadline to Tuesday 10/25 to give everyone an additional weekend to work on it if needed. Each class will take a photo in front of their banner before they run - DONT LET YOUR CLASS BE WITHOUT A BANNER and speak to your room parent if you'd like to help.

  • Banners should be at least 6 feet in length.

  • Should include the teacher's name and the kids' names.

  • Try to come up with a theme...not necessary, but always fun.

  • Paper rolls are in the auditorium. Check in at the office and tell them you need paper for the banner - they can direct you to the area.

  • Ask teachers for markers, paint, etc. to make the banner.

  • Consult with your teacher to see if they have any ideas or specifics they would like to see on the banner.


  • 8:30-8:45 am - 2nd Grade

  • 8:55-9:10 am - 3rd Grade

  • 9:20-9:30 am - 1st Grade

  • 9:40-9:50 am - TK & Kindergarten (5th Grade reading buddies will cheer them on too!)

  • 10:00-10:20 am - 4th Grade

  • 10:30-10:50 am - 5th Grade

CLASS OF 2023 FUNDRAISING: Benefitting 5th-grade student activities like Knott's Educational Experience, Yearbook, Class T-Shirts, Etc.

GATORADE GRAMS: $3.00 graders will be selling Gatorade Grams for $3.00 Gatorades will be delivered to each class after the JAT and distributed to students SIGN-MAKING STATION: $5.00 For $5.00 you can make a sign for your student(s) and/or friends. Posterboard, markers, etc. will be provided. DJ SHOUT-OUT: $5.00 For $5.00 you can have the DJ shout out a message to your student. Create your own 2 sentence message or use one of the pre-made messages.




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