SIGN UP LINK: Here is the link to sign up to work the Jog-a-Thon. We need a lot of volunteers for a couple of different things so please sign up.
Volunteers get treated to free Breakfast Bar breakfast burritos and Viento y Agua coffee!!!
BANNERS: We have extended the banner deadline to Tuesday 10/25 to give everyone an additional weekend to work on it if needed. Each class will take a photo in front of their banner before they run - DONT LET YOUR CLASS BE WITHOUT A BANNER and speak to your room parent if you'd like to help.
Banners should be at least 6 feet in length.
Should include the teacher's name and the kids' names.
Try to come up with a theme...not necessary, but always fun.
Paper rolls are in the auditorium. Check in at the office and tell them you need paper for the banner - they can direct you to the area.
Ask teachers for markers, paint, etc. to make the banner.
Consult with your teacher to see if they have any ideas or specifics they would like to see on the banner.
8:30-8:45 am - 2nd Grade
8:55-9:10 am - 3rd Grade
9:20-9:30 am - 1st Grade
9:40-9:50 am - TK & Kindergarten (5th Grade reading buddies will cheer them on too!)
10:00-10:20 am - 4th Grade
10:30-10:50 am - 5th Grade
CLASS OF 2023 FUNDRAISING: Benefitting 5th-grade student activities like Knott's Educational Experience, Yearbook, Class T-Shirts, Etc.
GATORADE GRAMS: $3.00 graders will be selling Gatorade Grams for $3.00 Gatorades will be delivered to each class after the JAT and distributed to students SIGN-MAKING STATION: $5.00 For $5.00 you can make a sign for your student(s) and/or friends. Posterboard, markers, etc. will be provided. DJ SHOUT-OUT: $5.00 For $5.00 you can have the DJ shout out a message to your student. Create your own 2 sentence message or use one of the pre-made messages.